- Abdomen
- Abdomen-external
- Aggravation in General
- Amelioration in General
- Anus
- Appetite
- Asleep, falling
- Axillae
- Back
- Back Proper-Dorsal Region
- Bladder
- Blood
- Body, exterior
- Bones
- Canthi
- Chest
- Chest, external
- Chest, inner
- Chill
- Chill, partial
- Chin
- Circulation
- Coldness
- Coldness, partial
- Coldness, sense of partial
- Complaints
- Compound Fever
- Conditions
- Congestions
- Coryza
- Cough
- Coccyx
- Dorsal Region
- Dreams
- Ears
- Epigastrium
- Eructation
- Expectoration
- Exterior Body
- External Abdomen
- External Chest
- External Head
- External Throat
- Extremities, lower
- Exteremities, upper
- Eyes
- Eyebrows
- Eyelids
- Face
- Falling Asleep
- Female organs
- Fever
- Fever, compound
- Fever, heat and
- Fever, chill
- Flatulence
- Genitalia
- Glands
- Glans
- Gullet
- Gums
- Head-external
- Head-internal
- Hearing
- Heart and region of
- Heart beat
- Heat and fever
- Heat, partial
- Waterbrash
- Hiccough
- Hypochondria
- Impeded by, respiration
- Inguinal and pubic region
- Inner chest
- Head-internal
- Jaw, lower
- Kidneys
- Larynx
- Leucorrhoea
- Lips
- Lower extremities
- Lower jaw
- Lumbar region
- Male organs
- Mammae
- Maxillary joints
- Meatus
- Menstruation
- Micturation
- Mind
- Mons pubis
- Mouth
- Nape
- Nausea
- Neck
- Nipples
- Nose
- Orbits
- Organs, female
- Organs, male
- Palate
- Palpitation
- Partial chill
- Partial coldness
- Partial coldness, sense of
- Partial heat
- Partial sweat
- Pathological types, fever
- Penis
- Perineum
- Positions (sleep)
- Prepuce
- Prostate gland
- Pubic region
- Pubis, mons
- Pulse
- Rectum
- Respiration
- Sacrum
- Saliva
- Scapular region
- Scrotum
- Sediment
- Sensations
- Sense of partial coldness
- Sensorium
- Sexual impulse
- Shivering
- Skin
- Sleep
- Sleep, character of
- Sleepiness
- Sleeplessness
- Small of back
- Smell
- Speech
- Spermatic cord
- Spinal column
- Stomach
- Stool
- Sweat
- Sweat, partial
- Taste
- Teeth
- Testes
- Thirst
- Throat
- Throat, external
- Time
- Tongue
- Trachea
- upper extremities
- Ureters
- Urethra
- Urinary organs
- Urine
- Vertebrae
- Vertigo
- Vision
- Voice
- Vomiting
- Waking
- Waterbrash