Materia Medica

Fluoricum acidum

Mind.-- Gay and cheerful. Aversion to business, to his own family. Hatred of people. Anxiety, causing sweat to break out. Irritable. Forgetful. Feeling as if menaced by danger.

Head.-- Determination of blood to, and unconsciousness, could not remember where he was. Pains: Compressive, undulative, or shooting like lightning. A dull pressure proceeds from nape thro' center toward forehead. Cramp - like pain in occiput. Better: Bending head back.

     Hair tangled. Great falling out of hair.

Eyes.-- Feeling of a fresh wind blowing on. Quivering above outer canthus. Violent itching of inner canthus. Photopsies, like lightnings, etc. Vision clearer.

Ears.-- Sensitive hearing, in morning.

Nose.-- Sudden attacks of coryza, suddenly disappearing again. Suddenly filled with mucus on rising mouth with cold water. Worse: Alcoholic drinks.

Face.-- Seems old and wrinkled. Puffy folds under eyes. Constant motion of facial muscles. Compression in zygoma. Heat, with desire to bathe it in cold water.

Teeth.-- - Warmth in. Feel sharp, rough or dull. Sensitive, especially to cold.

Mouth.-- Prickling in, and on tongue. Mucous membrane peels off. Greasy feeling in. Dryness of left half of palate and roof of mouth. Flow of saliva precedes headache, diarrhoea, etc. Tenacious saliva. Pain, as from hot water in.

     Taste: Acrid, putrid, coming from roots of teeth. Like ink. Sweetish in throat.

Throat.-- Constriction. Posterior nares feel wide open. Hawks up bloody mucus.

Stomach.-- Excessive hunger, desire for something piquant. Speedy satiety. Aversion to coffee. Pressure in. Stale, disgusting eructations. Nausea.

Abdomen.-- Faint emptiness in region of navel with a desire to take a deep breath, better bandaging. Frequent excessively offensive discharges of wind, which better.

Anus.-- Itching in and about.

Stool.-- Strong, disagreeable smell of. Diarrhoea worse from warm drinks.

Urinary Organs.-- Burning in urethra.

Urine.-- Copious, with diarrhea. Smelling fragrant or strong, acrid, offensive, Free discharge, relieving him. Purple sediment.

Sexual organs.-- Passion increased. Fullness in spermatic cords. Menses early, profuse, coagulated. Excoriating leucorrhoea.

Respiration.-- Oppression, better bending head back.

Larynx.-- Itching in, and on throat.

Chest.-- Mammae: Itching nipples, areola darkens and crust forms on.

Heart.-- Soreness. Jerking in.

Back.-- Neck: Stiffness and soreness in nape.

     Back: Contractive, burning or prickling pains in scapular region. Better: Bending backward.

Extremities.-- Pains: Burning, dislocative, like electric shocks, as if asleep, in bones of.

Upper Extremities.-- Weakness and numbness in hands and head. prickling in. l Jerks in. Penetrating pain. Feeling as if air were pressing down along arm in bones. Red or mottled palms. Hands and fingers swelled, with throbbing pains, later forming blisters discharging a dark, offensive, acrid fluid. Feeling of a hair on back of fingers. Contusive pain in bones of ends of fingers. Burning about bone. Feeling of something working out from beneath nails. Acute prickling s, as with a needle, in fingers. Feeling of a splinter under nail, worse touch.

Lower Extremities.-- Heaviness. Trembling. Burning shooting. Burning in toes, soles, etc. Back of foot feels like a cushion. Soreness in corns. Worse: Walking. Better: Rest.

Generalities.-- Feeling of heat, with desire for cool air or cold bathing. Deep seated pains in bones, sutures, etc. Localized congestions. Symptoms in spots. Acrid, excoriating discharges, sweat, etc. Numbing weakness. Feeling of warmth in internal organs. prickling, burning, itching sensations, or pains shooting like lightning. Symptoms often ascend or are right - sided. Impulse to walk rapidly, which relieves. Better: From cold or cold washing, open air. etc., motion and walking. Worse: Standing, sitting, spirituous drinks.

Skin.-- Crawling in. Tormenting itching. Itching pustules. Cicatrices turn red around edges, itch and are covered with vesicles. Sensation as if a burning vapor were emitted from the pores of whole body. Excoriation. Roughness and desquamation, especially in spots, Red blotches. Naevi materni. Thrombi. Varicose veins. Flesh warts. Enlarged capillaries.

Sleep.-- Sleepiness: Sudden, periodical, unconquerable. Wakefulness in evening.

     Dreams., - Vivid, towards morning.

Fever.-- Pulse: Somewhat accelerated, by motion only. Chill: Entirely wanting. Heat: Universal with qualmishness from the slightest motion, with inclination to uncover, but more to wash with cold water. Sweat: Clammy (glutinous), sour, unpleasantly - smelling, mostly on upper part of body, especially from motion and during the afternoon and evening. The sweat greatly favors the formation of excoriation and bedsores. Sweat with itching.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies. Am-c., Bor., Calc-c., Chin., Coloc., GRAPH., Hep., Mer-c., Nit-ac., Sep., SIL., Sul-ac.,

     Complementary: Sil.