Materia Medica


Mind.-- Very excitable, impatient disposition. Taciturn peevishness, with inclination to scorn everything. Intolerance of noise. Anxiety. Crying and screaming of children.

Head.-- Sticking headache in vertex or forehead. Bruised sensation in brain and racial bones, especially the parietals, with nausea and vomiting. Throbbing and shocks in. Occiput and nape painful. Blondes. Worse: In room. Better: In open air.

Eyes.-- Twitching lids. Dilated pupils. Dim vision. Weeping, inflamed.

Ears.-- Coldness and chill on, during the heat.

Nose.-- Frequent, violent nosebleed. Loss of smell. Obstruction of, and stuffed coryza.

Face.-- Pale, with blue circles about eyes. Lucid, puffed. Convulsive twitches of facial muscles and lips. Smarting eruption and aphthae on margin of lips. Redness of skin about mouth. Redness of one cheek and paleness of the other.

Teeth.-- Hollow teeth ache as though they would be torn out, when biting on them.

Mouth.-- Biting in, also on tongue. Difficult swallowing. Salivation. Yellow coated tongue. Bleeding from. Inflamed throat.

     Taste: Sweetish, bloody, in mouth.

Stomach.-- Intense, indescribably sickening pain in. Sense of emptiness and relaxation in. Distension and throbbing in pit. Shocks in.

     Appetite: Loss of, as from a relaxed stomach. Loathing of all food. Desire for delicacies and sweet things. After effects of pork.


     Nausea, etc. - Incessant nausea and vomiting. Qualmishness, as if from stomach. Inclination to vomit and retching after cold drinks and smoking. Vomiting: Of all ingesta, bilious, of green, gelatinous mucus. Haematemesis. Bad effects of all kinds of fat. Averse to all sorts of food.

Abdomen.-- Cutting and pinching about navel, motion.

     Flatulence: Flatulent colic, with frequent, diarrhoeic stools.

Stool.-- Diarrhoeic, as if fermented, with nausea and violent bellyache. Diarrhoea of various kinds. Dysenteric, with tenesmus. Fecal, covered with bloody mucus. Bloody, Foul - smelling. Green.

Urine.-- Diminished, dark red. Bloody, with cutting in abdomen and urethra (after suppressed itch). Ineffectual urging to urinate. Retained.

Female.-- Menses: Too early and too profuse. Uterine hemorrhage of bright red, clotted blood.

Respiration.-- Fetid breath. Anxious, hurried. Sighing. Suffocative attacks in room, becoming better in open air. Want of breath from slightest motion. Gasping for breath. Spasmodic asthma with contraction of throat and chest.

Cough.-- Dry, excited by tickling, as from sulphur vapor, especially in upper part of larynx. Whooping cough in violent, shattering, rapidly succeeding paroxysms of hollow coughs, which do not permit recovery of the breath. Incessant suffocative c. in evening, with sweat on forehead, shocks in head, retching and vomiting. With stiff body and a blue face. Haemoptysis, after every exertion. Dry in evening, in morning expectoration of bright red blood mixed with mucus, of a putrid, sweetish taste.

Chest.-- Spasmodic constriction. Sore pain in. Oppression. Palpitation. Rattling from accumulation of mucus within.

Back.-- Opisthotonos and emprosthotonos.

     Neck: Swelling and suppuration in superasternal fossa.

Upper Extremities.-- One hand cold, the other hot.

Lower Extremities.-- Sensation in hip - joint as though it would be dislocated, immediately upon sitting down. Convulsive twitches in legs and feet. Nightly cramp in calf muscles, drawing them in to lumps. Violent itching of calves. Ulcers on feet which have a black base.

Generalities.-- Symptoms are accompanied by great weakness, repugnance to all food and nausea. Hemorrhage from all orifices of body. Asleep sensation in joints. Oversensitive to both cold and warmth. Twitches in limbs. Tonic spasm bending body backward and forward. Twitches in limbs. Tonic spasm bending body backward and forward. Gastric disturbances and disposition to hemorrhages. He falls to the floor. Shattering of entire body. The entire body is stretched out rigidly. Apoplexies. After - effects of intemperance, taking cold or eating pork. Complaints are in open air.

Bones.-- Bruised pain in.

Skin.-- Miliary or receding with in childbed. Violent itching of the clear skin of arms and thighs, with nausea, he is compelled to scratch until he vomits.

Sleep.-- Whimpering and restlessness with half open eyes. Frequent starting up during. Complete insomnia.

Fever.-- Pulse: Greatly accelerated, but often imperceptible. Chill: Generally of short duration and soon passing into heat. Internal, as if under the skin, increased by warmth. With thirst. Moist coldness of hands and feet. Want of natural vital heat. Heart, General, continued, with dry, parchment - like skin, after a short chill. Anxious, dry, in evening. Sudden attacks of general heat with cold hands and feet. Mostly without thirst. With chilliness, and heat of face. Sweat: Very profuse, mostly at night. Biting, mostly sour smelling, often also cold. Frequent attacks of hot sweat when in a room. Cold, on forehead. Intermittent fever with a slight chill, violent heat, gastric symptoms and oppression of chest, Exacerbation of fever in evening.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Alum., Ant - c., ANT-T., ARN., ARS., Bry., CALC-C., Carb - v., Cham., Chin., Coccl., Cupr., Dros., Ferr., Ign., Kali-n., Laur., NUX-V., Op., Phos., Puls., Sul - ac., Tab., Verat-a.

     Complementary: Calc-c.