Materia Medica

Argentum nitricum

Mind.-- Imbecile appearance, shy (Ign.) and childish. Weak memory, confusion of thought. Falters in speech. Anxiety: With gastrointestinal symptoms, with palpitation, apprehensive, hurried and impulsive. Bed effects of anxiety or suspense. Awakes with complete loss of memory. Impulsive but apprehensive with loss of control somewhere. Distraction. Taciturn. Timid. Builds air - castles by day and has monstrous dreams at night.

Vertigo.-- As intoxicated, with confusion, with headache, with buzzing in ears, week limbs and trembling, with blindness.

Head.-- Enlarged feeling, as if to burst, with eructations and chilliness. As if in a vise. As of a cool current in. Unilateral radiating, digging or boring pains so violent that he loses his senses, with bitter sour taste and vomiting. Worse: Mental exertion and in open air. Better: Tight banding.

     Scalp: Extremely troublesome itching and crawling. Roots of hair feel pulled upward.

Eyes.-- Ophthalmia with sticking pains and swelled carunculae, conjunctiva blood - red, swollen or puckered. Agglutinated lids. Filled with mucus. Dilated pupils. Filled pupils. Misty vision. Serpents, gray spots or fiery bodies before. Chemosis. Opacity or cornea. Worse: From heat of fire. Better: In cool air.

Nose.-- Coryza with chilliness. Sneezing excited by tingling in and in posterior nares. Obstructed in room but flowing a thin mucus in open air. Bruised pain in bones of. Violent itching, rubs until it becomes raw. Blows bloody, purulent mucus from, as cough improves. Dull sense of smell.

Face.-- Sickly, sunken, pale or bluish. Aged expression.

Teeth.-- Grumbling digging in worse from cold or sour things. Loose. Readily bleeding gums.

Mouth.-- Dry. Salivation.

     Taste: Astringent, metallic, like ink, sweetish or clayey, straw - like to food.

Throat.-- Dark red. Thick, tenacious mucus in, obliges hawking. As of a splinter in. Rawness, soreness or roughness in. Tickling in, causing lachrymation Cramps, choking or astringent sensation in.

Stomach.-- Pit: Painful swelling of, sense of a lump in. Radiating, twisting, griping, ulcerative gnawing or dragging pains, better from diarrhoea, worse touch, drinking, after food and by deep inspiration. Sense of being filled unto bursting, better copious eructations.

     Appetite: Irresistible for sugar which worse.

     Eructations: Violent, tasting of ingesta.

     Nausea: With gnawing in stomach and shuddering. Retching better from eating.

Abdomen.-- Flatulent distension, better passing flatus. Gurgling in. Feeling of a ball rising into throat from. Drawing extending into throat from. Drawing extending into groins, dragging in. Stitches. Intolerance of lacing. Worse: Lying on right side.

Anus.-- Creeping with burning in.

Stool.-- Scanty, watery or of greenish, fetid mucus with noisy flatus or flatulent colic. Diarrhoea from eating sugar, after mental emotions or drinking. In flakes like spinach.

Urine.-- Can't pass urine in a projecting stream. Urethra: Feels swollen, hard and knotty, cutting from behind forward in, stretched feeling in, during coition. Itching at meatus.

Sexual Organs.-- Chancre - like ulcers in prepuce. Desire wanting, with shriveled genitals. Painful coition.

Respiratory Organs.-- Hoarseness. Cough: with lachrymation from tickling in throat and palate, with suffocation, worse from tobacco smoke.

Chest.-- Burning. - Heaviness. Worse while lying down and in evening. Palpitation: Irregular heart beat, worse thinking there of, better from motion in open air.

Back.-- Lumbar pain, worse rising from sitting, better walking. Heaviness in sacrum.

Extremities.-- Chorea - like motions. Startings in. Paralysis. Walks as if intoxicated. Left arm feels bound.

Generalities.-- Great debility: With trembling, with rigidity and bruised feeling in calves and loins. General throbbing worse spine. Feels better out of doors. Incoherent ideas and incoordinate movements. Feeling of a hot fluid running along parts, skin, urethra, etc Sensation: Of expansion; of bursting: as if bones of head were separating or sacral bones were loose, as of a band about parts. Boring pains. Pains in spots. Heaviness. Emaciation. Many left sided symptoms. Splinter - like sensation.

     Worse: Emotions, mental strain, thinking, in a warm room.

Skin.-- Tense and hard Leaden hue.

Sleep.-- Sleepless from fancies. Dreams of serpents, with horror.

Fever.-- Chills: Along spine, creeping. with nausea Heat: With burning, in spots. With chilliness on uncovering. Sweat: on palms, lower abdomen and inside of thighs.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Arg-m., Aur., Bar-c., Carbo., Con., Gel., Hell., Hep., Lyc., Merc., Merc-c., Nat-m., Nit-ac., Pul, Thuj., ARS., Plb., Cup., Zinc.

     Complementary: Puls.

     Antidotes: Nat-m., Bell.