Materia Medica


Mind.-- Delirium, during the pains at night and during the heat. Internal restlessness. Great impatience. Inclination to quarrel, with anger.

Sensorium.-- Great mental obtusion in head.

Head.-- Outward boring in temples and forehead. Congestion to, with roaring in ears and difficult hearing. Pressive stupefying ache. Burrowing in forehead with distended feeling in brain, not affected by either rest or motion. Feeling as though' occiput were enlarging. Worse: Evening until midnight, lying still, becoming cold. Better: Talking, lying.

External Head.-- Disagreeable chilliness on occiput and over whole body with a feeling as if hair were bristling, recurring every evening. Thick crusts on scalp, denuding it of hair.

Eyes.-- Inflamed, after taking cold. Twitching, in cold air. Amaurosis.

Nose.-- Nose - bleed of very warm, bright red blood, with a sense of pressure on it. Stuffed coryza worse cold air. Dry nasal catarrh in a dry atmosphere.

Face.-- Pale, with circumscribed redness of cheeks. Tettery eruption on. Milk crust. Twitchings in lips when in cold air. Mouth drawn awry.

Mouth.-- Much mucus in fauces. Inflamed throat after taking cold. Salivation. Dry tongue, with much thirst and increased secretion of saliva. Swelled tongue impeding speech and breathing. When becoming cold there is difficult speech on account of paralysis of tongue (and jaws.)

     Appetite: Hunger without appetite. Great hunger after the heat. Intense thirst. Excessive thirst for cold water.

     Vomiting. Of pale, tenacious mucus.

Abdomen.-- Bellyache after taking cold. Cutting about navel. Ascites.

Stool.-- Diarrhoea: With pains in abdomen, after taking cold, of green mucus, chronic, bloody.

Urine.-- Retained. Offensive. Mucus sediment in. Involuntary discharge of fetid, u. from paralysis of bladder.

Sexual Organs.-- Herpes on.

     Menses. - of watery blood, too late and too short. Suppressed after taking cold. Miliary rash before.

Respiration.-- Intense oppression of chest, from accumulation of mucus, after taking cold.

Cough.-- From excessive secretion of mucus in larynx and trachea, hence with every attack there is considerable easy expectoration of tasteless mucus, often with bright red blood. Haemoptysis. Seldom applicable except when after suppression of skin eruptions or taking a violent cold excessive secretion of mucus in internal organs follows.

Larynx and trachea.-- Is full of mucus. Hoarseness.

Chest.-- Dull, thrust - like stitches in and upon both sides of. Hydrothorax. Herpes on mammae. Suppressed secretion of milk after taking cold in child. bed. Nocturnal palpitation of heart.

Back.-- Paralysis of lumbar region after taking cold. While at rest, drawing from lumbar region downward into thighs, during motion, stitches therein, better drawing them up.

     Neck: Stiff, after taking cold. Swollen cervical glands.

Upper Extremities.-- Paralysis of arms with icy coldness thereof, mostly during rest. Tetter on arms and hands. Sweat on palm. Warts on hands.

Lower Extremities.-- Herpes on knees. Erysipelatous eruption on feet, with itching and desquamation. Crawling as of ants on feet.

Generalities.-- Remarkable emaciation. Dropsical swelling of body. Tearing in limbs, and other complaints from taking cold. Unilateral spasms with loss of speech. Paralysis of a single limbs. The complaints are intensified at night and during rest. Convulsions, beginning in face.

Tissues.-- Glands swollen and indurated.

Skin.-- Redness, dryness and heat of. Thickness and desquamation in spots. Vesicular eruption. Nettle rash. Tetters of various sorts, i. e.: 1. Moist, suppurating. 2 Pale, which exude water upon being scratched. 3. Reddish, with a red circumference, which bleeds upon being scratched. 4. With reddish circumference, which smarts from cold water, but don't itch. 5. Small, yellowish brown tetters which bleed after scratching. Thick crusts over entire body. Inactivity of external skin with excessive secretion from the internal mucous membranes and glands.

Sleep.-- Restless, after midnight. Very early awaking.

Fever.-- Pulse: Small, hard and tense, especially at night. Chill: Mostly toward evening, spreading from back, not relieved by external warmth. During the pains. With violent thirst. Heat: General, dry, burning, over entire body., And burning in back. with flightiness, without thirst. Sweat: Offensive, over entire body at night and in early morning, during day, more on back, axillae and palms of hands. Suppressed and entirely wanting.

Relationship.-- Allied Remedies: Acon., Ars., Bry., Cic., Con., Cupr., Led., Merc., Nux-v., Phos-ac., Phyt., Puls., Rhus-t., Sep., Sul.